Monday, March 16, 2009

Many People Hold Mistaken Ideas about the Origin of Life.

A commonly accepted explanation for the origin of life is organic evolution - the hypothesis that man evolved from "lower animals," which in turn came from simpler life forms, all the way back to the first microscopic life, which sprang accidentally from non-living matter. But this theory has major problems.
Where did the first living thing come from?

What caused life to begin where there had never been life before? Science has repeatedly demonstrated that life comes only from life. This is a law of science called the "Law of Biogenesis." The opposite of this law would be spontaneous generation - life beginning spontaneously from non-living matter. But science has repeatedly proved this cannot happen.

So every living thing must come from a previous living thing. You received life from your parents, who in turn received it from their parents, etc. The same is true for all living things.

But evolution requires that, when you go back far enough, non-living matter somehow came to life by chance where there was no life before. Evolution requires spontaneous generation in complete violation of scientific evidence. So evolution cannot explain even the origin of the very first form of life.
Where is the evidence that all modern kinds of living things came from an original kind?

Living things can adapt to their environment, but where is the proof they can develop into entirely different kinds of organisms such that all kinds came from one original kind? Years of human experience and scientific experimentation confirm that living things reproduce "after their own kind." The offspring of a fish is another fish, not a snake, bird, or man.

Scientists have searched for years for the "missing links" - fossils of organisms that were halfway between the kinds of plants or animals we have now. Millions of fossils have been found around the world. If evolution is true, there should be thousands of fossils of missing links, but there is no evidence of these remains anywhere. Why not?
Why is man so unique from animals?

If man evolved from animals and is really an animal but just slightly more complex, why do we have characteristics so vastly different from animals?

Why do people appreciate beauty in art, music, and poetry? Do animals create new paintings, sculptures, symphonies, and books of poetry that they and other animals can enjoy?

Why do men have a conscience and a sense of morals? Why do we feel guilty when we have done wrong, even when we have not been caught or punished? Do animals naturally possess these spiritual qualities? Why do only people wonder about such issues as where we came from? Do animals debate even such issues as creation vs. evolution?

Why do we possess rational thought so much higher than animals? We can find minute variations in degrees of "intelligence" among animals, but there is a vast gulf between any animal and man. Men build machines and tools to work for us, train animals, use fire, perform mathematic and scientific calculations, read and write, and pass our knowledge on to others.

If we developed from the animals, why are there no animals that possess these characteristics almost as much as we do? If we develop from the animals, why are we so different from them? Evolution is not an adequate explanation.

How to Get Revenge On Your Ex?

We all have exes that we wish nothing but the the best for, and we all have exes that we.... don't. Sometimes, getting revenge is the only option. Does seeking revenge on your ex make you psychotic? Maybe, but it's a lot healthier than drowning your sorrows in a gallon of ice cream, isn't it? If not, it's certainly a lot more fun..


You can attempt to cause trouble in their new relationship, especially if the new relationship is the cause of your break up. There are actually articles online (and services online!) that will help you accomplish this. While the author of this articles doesn't agree with some of the methods employed in these articles, they are a resource should you need them.
You can send your ex photos of you and your new date. Depending on how nasty your ex was during your break up, can help you determine what types of pictures to send them. You can stick to G-rated photos, or move beyond that to intensify the effect. Be aware, though, that anything you send can and will be used against you in the future.
Write up an obituary for your ex, and publish it in your local newspaper. Send it to as many friends and business associates as you possibly can. Sit back and enjoy while people your ex hasn't heard from in years contact them to see if the obituary is actually true. Warning, you will probably be labeled a nut job (and rightfully so!) if you take this route, but it might be fun to try anyway.
It may sound like an old cliche, but sometimes the best revenge on your ex is your own happiness. Why sit around, steaming and dwelling on the past when you can move forward and enjoy a bright future? Wasting your time and energy plotting revenge might not be the best option to help yourself heal.

Thursday, March 12, 2009

Penny For Your Thoughts and Feelings

What human being on the face of the planet wouldn’t love to hear the words, “You’re fun to be around!” or “Thanks for being such a great friend,” or “I can really be myself when I’m with you.” Deep down, all of us long to know that we are appreciated that someone’s life is a little better because we’re part of it, Why, then, do we often neglect to tell our friends or colleagues how we feel about them or how they make our daily lives a little (or a lot) better?

The next time your heart is telling you that someone is making a positive impact on your life or simply brightening your day, don’t ignore it let the person know. In there are many other ways to express our thanks: send a cookie bouquet, write a note on quality stationary, buy a card, pick up addition to telling someone verbally that we appreciate them, a token gift, or spring for lunch or dinner. Just as you can’t say, “I love you” too many times to your spouse or children, you can’t say, “I appreciate you” too often to acquaintances co-workers, or friends.


Recent studies performed by UCLA and the Mayo Clinic revealed that optimists are not only happier, but they are healthier. They get sick less frequently. They recover more quickly from surgery and injury. We’ve all met people who immediately consider the worst case scenario—maybe we fall into this category. Pessimism, if not checked, can become pathological. It’s destructive to the negative thinker—and it can rob innocent bystanders of their joy. Pessimists feel as if nothing will go well for them. They may want to protect themselves from disappointment, just in case things don’t live up to expectations (and they probably won’t). God, through Scripture, gives us so many reasons to have hope. He loves us unconditionally. He promises to guide and comfort us when we seek Him. He guarantees to give us wisdom when we but ask.

Those are big-picture ideas. But how do we get from “half empty” to “half full?” Start by noticing and being thankful for the small things: your health, the fact that you have food, live in a warm house, can get a good cup of Java on nearly every street corner. Practice taking that same thankful attitude to larger situations and work at steering clear of negativity. You will be happier, healthier and you may even live longer.



As teenagers, many of us couldn’t wait to get out of the house, get out on our own forge a life in newfound autonomy. Our society and, in part, instinct tells us this is the way it should be. This can be a great time of growth. Yet the longer we are away, the more we may realize that home isn’t such a bad place to be. If we are willing to admit it, we may actually long to enter the familiar door, see the comforting sights, and take in the unforgettable scents that comprise our past.

There’s nothing like the sense of ease and fulfillment we experience when we are in the presence of those who know and accept us. Some people may not have that kind of association with family; but there are friends whose very presence is like going home.

As we grow older, we often find it difficult to make time for the places and people we cherish. Like the little five-year-old who found school an alien place devoid of “his people,” we look forward to being in the presence of “our people.” Family, friends, and the familiar places they inhabit can be a shelter, a refreshing respite for mind, body, and spirit.

Tuesday, March 3, 2009


i carry your heart with me,

i carry it in my heart and i'm never without it.

anywhere i go, you go, my dear.

and whatever is done, by only me, is your doing, my darling.

i fear no fear for you are my fate, my sweet.

i want no world for beautiful, you are my world my true.

it's you or whatever a moon has always meant,

and whatever a sun will always sing is you.

here is the deepest secret nobody knows

here is the root of the root and the bud of the bud

and the sky of the tree called life

which grows higher and higher than the soul can hope or mind can hide

and this is the wonder that is keeping the stars apart

i carry your heart,

i carry it in my heart.