Monday, March 16, 2009

How to Get Revenge On Your Ex?

We all have exes that we wish nothing but the the best for, and we all have exes that we.... don't. Sometimes, getting revenge is the only option. Does seeking revenge on your ex make you psychotic? Maybe, but it's a lot healthier than drowning your sorrows in a gallon of ice cream, isn't it? If not, it's certainly a lot more fun..


You can attempt to cause trouble in their new relationship, especially if the new relationship is the cause of your break up. There are actually articles online (and services online!) that will help you accomplish this. While the author of this articles doesn't agree with some of the methods employed in these articles, they are a resource should you need them.
You can send your ex photos of you and your new date. Depending on how nasty your ex was during your break up, can help you determine what types of pictures to send them. You can stick to G-rated photos, or move beyond that to intensify the effect. Be aware, though, that anything you send can and will be used against you in the future.
Write up an obituary for your ex, and publish it in your local newspaper. Send it to as many friends and business associates as you possibly can. Sit back and enjoy while people your ex hasn't heard from in years contact them to see if the obituary is actually true. Warning, you will probably be labeled a nut job (and rightfully so!) if you take this route, but it might be fun to try anyway.
It may sound like an old cliche, but sometimes the best revenge on your ex is your own happiness. Why sit around, steaming and dwelling on the past when you can move forward and enjoy a bright future? Wasting your time and energy plotting revenge might not be the best option to help yourself heal.

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